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Woodhouse: “I always try and pick a team that I think is going to win a game”

Woodhouse: “I always try and pick a team that I think is going to win a game”

Conner Kacperski22 Feb 2023 - 10:08
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Curtis Woodhouse was in good spirits reflecting on the 2-1 wing against Nantwich match.

The Marske United manager took the time to outline his thinking to supporters behind the bold, but successful team selection on Tuesday night that resulted in the Seasiders ending a run of seven consecutive defeats.

“I always try and pick a team that I think is going to win a game,” said Woodhouse upbeat, directly addressing the elephant in the room regarding his striker selection and making big changes.

“It is not about any one individual. I take it you’re all talking about Adam Boyes?”

Referencing the pre-match reaction on his decision to refresh the front three and swap in-form Donald Chimalilo into the starting XI, Woodhouse put people at ease saying “I’m not here to do anything apart from pick a team to win the game.

“And I have to say I thought Jake Day on Saturday was outstanding and I thought against Nantwich he was immense.

“Both boxes, how he lead the line. That is exactly what I wanted, so do I feel vindicated? Its not about feeling vindicated. I picked the team that I thought was going to win the game.”

“Two of my ‘rubbish’ signings Jake Day and Donald Chimalilo have managed to get us the goals to win us the game,” said Woodhouse in a light-hearted manner.

“So I will try and sign some more ‘rubbish’ ones next week.”

Reflecting on the broader transition that the club is currently in, Woodhouse was open and honest about club’s on-field fortunes saying “Some people question everything.

“That is kind of the situation we are in.”

“We have always tried our best. Sometimes we have not been good enough, but it has not been through lack of effort and against Nantwich the lads worked their absolute socks off.

“We did not manage to go in for a team talk before the game. We had to do it out on the pitch. Some lads didn’t turn up till twenty past seven, half past seven. We kicked off at quarter to eight.

“They travelled four hours some of them to get here. So if people question the desire and the heart of a lot of them. That annoys me a little bit, because I see it in the training, I see it in the games.

“These lads want it. The majority do anyway, the ones that don’t are probably the ones who are not here anymore.”

Further reading